Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Advice for Newcomers to Canada

           Moving from one place to another is a hardship for anyone. It takes time and effort to adapt to the new place you moved to. Every country, city, and town has its own rules and regulations that newsletters must learn about and follow.  

           It is important for everyone to secure themselves financially. I have a few bits of financial advice for newcomers. The first would be to start a bank account at one of the trusted banks. They would have the option to create a checking or savings account, whatever they feel comfortable with. This will help them make sure their money is in a safe place and to keep track of their spendings. Secondly, I would recommend for people with children to apply for child benefits, which is a benefit program from the government for families with children. This would help the family raise their kids with all their needs fulfilled. The last thing I would urge newcomers to think about is investing their money in after retirement programmes. In Canada, there are many choices that are offered like: Canada Pension Plan, Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Old Age Security, and Employee Insurence. Those programs help elders secure their lives after retirement.

           Newcomers should consult professionals in their financial status so that they would make sure they are taking the right step. It is very important to understand the rules of the place you are moving to and to plan further ahead.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

                                                          Wealth Discussion 

           Every person looks forward to finding the key to success. The phrase "early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." sounds like it has the key, which is to simply sleep and wake up early. I do not fully agree with this quote, because I believe that it only covers one part which is making a man healthy.
           The quote suggests that sleeping early and rising early would make a man healthy which is true. the effects of having good sleep are great to the body. Adding to that, good sleep provides better health for the brain cells which are the main reason a body functions. so for the first part of the phrase, I do agree that "early to bed, early to rise" would make a man healthy. The second part of the phrase says that good sleep would make a man wealthy, I do not fully agree with that. Good sleep does not have much to do with wealth but it has a lot to do with productivity throughout the day, and I see them as two different paths. That is why I believe this saying does not have the key to wealth. Thirdly, it is mentioned that "early to bed, early to rise" would make a man wise. I don't think that is true because its life experiences that make someone wise in my opinion. The advice that was given would not affect the judgment of a person or the way he views the world because those are part of his personality, which waking and sleeping early do not affect much.

          An early rise is no doubt helpful to everyone and gives a great start to the day. But I do not think that it is right to say that this phrase really guides us to be wealthy in all aspects of life.